Career Readiness Program Plan
The HEBSBA program offers a clear four-year pathway to success.

In order to qualify for graduation, students in the H-E-B School of Business and Administration are required to complete the Cardinal Career Readiness Program and earn the compulsory minimum of 50 points. Progress is tracked through UIW Engage, the UIW student engagement portal.
Students must earn a set amount of points for each academic year via specific, mandatory activities as well as a selection of electives.
Points may be earned in advance. For example, Sophomores may complete activities from the Junior and Senior year pathway. However, events attended in Freshman year and counted toward Freshman points will not count toward Sophomore, Junior or Senior year.
Transfer students are required to accumulate 50 points, but are not required to complete Freshman or Sophomore activities (with the exception of creating a Handshake profile).
Freshman Year | 5 points required
Students are required to complete the following activities to in order to earn a total of 5 points during their freshman year.
- Join a student-led business organization within the H-E-B School of Business. Click here to see a list of clubs.
- 1 point per club, no more than 2 points allowed from this category
- Attend 4 events or meetings organized by any student-led business organization and/or career services. Click here to see a list of Career Services events.
- 1 point per attended meeting or event
Sophomore Year | 10 points required
Students must complete the following mandated activities in order to earn 6 points toward the required 10 points for their sophomore year.
- Create Handshake profile. Click here to complete Handshake profile.
- 2 points
- Attend Resume Workshop.
- 2 points
- Attend Dress for Success event.
- 2 points
Students must earn a total of 4 points from the elective activities below, combined with the 6 points from the mandated activities list above, in order to complete the required 10 points for their sophomore year.
- Attend student-led business organization meetings.
- 1 point per meeting (no more than 3)
- Attend UIW Career Services events other than those listed in required section.
- 1 point per event (no more than 3)
- Recruit a member for any student-led business organization.
- 1 point
- Become an officer in a student-led business organization.
- 3 points
- Complete community service within discipline.
- 4 points
Junior Year | 15 points required
Students must complete the following mandated activities in order to earn 6 points toward the required 15 points for their junior year.
- Create LinkedIn profile and add H-E-B School of Business to Education history. Click here to visit the HEBSBA LinkedIn account.
- 3 points
- Submit resume approved by a faculty member or Career Services.
- 3 points
Students must earn a total of 9 points from the elective activities below, combined with the 6 points from the mandated activities list above, in order to complete the required 15 points for their junior year.
- Take a professional-looking headshot and add to your LinkedIn profile.
- 1 point, mandatory by senior year
- Attend student-led business organization meetings.
- 1 point per meeting (no more than 3)
- Attend UIW Career Services events other than those listed.
- 1 point per event (no more than 3)
- Attend professional organization’s meetings or events.
- 2 points per event
- Attend a UIW mock interview session.
- 3 points, mandatory by senior year
- Attend UIW Dress for Success Event.
- 3 points, mandatory by senior year
- Bring an approved outside speaker to class or student-led business organization meeting.
- 3 points
- Attend UIW Career Fair.
- 3 points
- Attend UIW Etiquette Dinner.
- 3 points
- Become an officer in a student-led business organization.
- 3 points
- Attend faculty-led business visit.
- 3 points
- Community service within discipline.
- 4 points
- Join a professional organization related to your chosen field/discipline.
- 4 points
- Find a mentor in your field. Meet at least twice.
- 4 points
- Complete an interest inventory on O*NET Online.
- 4 points
- Attend a professional conference (out of town).
- 5 points
- Participate in Leadership Lab.
- 5 points
- Participate in a faculty-led program that includes office visits.
- 5 points
- Organize a professional conference.
- 8 points
- Participate in a student competition related to business.
- 8 points
- Finalist in student competition.
- 8 points
- Tutor any business discipline at UIW Tutoring Services.
- 4 points per semester
- Attain an Internship within your chosen field/discipline.
- 8 points
- Attain an industry or software certification (ISACA, SIE, Microsoft, Office, Google, etc.).
- 8 points
Senior Year | 20 points required
Students must complete the following mandated activities in order to earn 10 points toward the required 20 points for their senior year.
- Take a professional-looking headshot and add to your LinkedIn profile.
- 1 point, if not done in junior year
- Attend H-E-B School of Business Career Fair.
- 3 points, if not done in junior year
- Attend a UIW mock interview session.
- 3 points, if not done in junior year
- Attend UIW Dress for Success event.
- 3 points, if not done in junior year
Students must earn a total of 10 points from the elective activities below, combined with the 10 points from the mandated activities list above, in order to complete the required 20 points for their senior year.
- Attend a student-led business organization meeting.
- 1 point per meeting (no more than 3)
- Attend Career Services events other than those listed in mandatory activities.
- 1 point per event (no more than 3)
- Attend a verified job interview.
- 1 point
- Attend professional organization’s meetings or events.
- 3 points per event
- Attend a UIW alumni networking event.
- 3 points
- Attend UIW Etiquette Dinner.
- 3 points
- Become an officer in a student-led business organization.
- 3 points
- Complete community service within discipline
- 4 points
- Join a professional organization related to your field/discipline.
- 4 points
- Find a mentor in your field. Meet at least twice.
- 4 points
- Participate in a faculty-led program that includes office visits.
- 5 points
- Participate in Leadership Lab.
- 5 points, if not done in junior year
- Attend a professional conference (out of town).
- 5 points
- Tutor any business discipline at UIW Tutoring Services.
- 4 points per semester
- Organize a professional conference.
- 8 points
- Attain an internship within your field/discipline.
- 8 points
- Participate in a student competition related to business.
- 8 points
- Finalist in student competition related to business.
- 8 points
- Submission/acceptance/presentation in UIW Research Week.
- 8 points
- Accept a job offer.
- 8 points
- Take the GMAT.
- 8 points